Emergency Food & Shelter Program - Santa Cruz County 


The Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) was created to supplement and expand the work of local social service agencies in an effort to help people with economic emergencies (not disaster-related). EFSP funds may be used to provide economic assistance in the long term, even if the current circumstances may have been impacted by an earlier disaster occurrence. EFSP funding is open to all 501(c)(3) non-profits, faith-based organizations, and government organizations helping hungry and those experiencing homelessness. EFSP funds must be used to supplement feeding, sheltering (including transitional sheltering), and rent/mortgage.

Emergency Food & Shelter Grant Funding - Phase 42

The Santa Cruz County Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) has received $152,455 in Phase 42 funds. Nonprofit, faith-based, or local government agencies that provide food and shelter services are eligible to apply.



The Local Board for Emergency Food & Shelter Program set funding priorities based on current needs and eligible program activities prior to the selection of agencies for funding. Local Boards must look at the resources available in the community, the emergency food and shelter needs of the community, gaps in services in the community, and focus the dollars to address these needs in the areas of emergency food and shelter. 

The priorities may vary from year to year, so each award phase is to be evaluated individually. 

Once priorities are set, the Local Board reviews proposals and selects organizations for funding to help meet the identified needs. 

The Local Board requests that applying agencies leverage partnerships, funding, and prevention solutions to complement the immediate relief provided by emergency food and shelter grants. 


Phase 42 Funding Priorities: 

  • Mass Shelter Expenses
  • Food Purchases 


Local Board:

Board Member agencies are representative of:

  • National agencies: the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), American Red Cross, Catholic Charities USA, the Jewish  Federations of  North  America, National Council of  the Churches of Christ in the USA, The Salvation Army and United Way Worldwide
  • Homeless Advocate
  • Local Non-Profits

Local Leadership

The 2024 - 2025 Santa Cruz County Local Emergency Food and Shelter Board is:

  • Aurelio Salazar, Local Board Chair - Catholic Charities Diocese of Monterey
  • Angela Di Novella - Catholic Charities Diocese of Monterey
  • David Ginsborg - Temple Beth El
  • Denise Acosta - Salvation Army Santa Cruz 
  • Kimberly Petersen - County of Santa Cruz - Human Services Department
  • Jeff Marquardt - United Way of Santa Cruz County 
  • Mike Johnson - Pajaro Valley Shelter Services
  • Patsy Hernandez Gasca -American Red Cross

For more information about the Emergency Food and Shelter Program or Local Board 089200, please visit EFSP website or contact:

Audrey Jones
Administrative Coordinator, United Way of Santa Cruz County 

Phase 41 Grantees

Phase 40 Grantees


CONTACT: Audrey Jones – ajones@unitedwaysc.org
February 7, 2025

Funding Available to Organizations
Providing Emergency Food and Shelter Services

(Santa Cruz, CA) United Way of Santa Cruz County Is pleased to announce the availability of this funding to meet the ongoing housing and food insecurities in our county of $152,455 to local nonprofit organizations providing emergency food and shelter services to Santa Cruz County residents.   

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s website, “The Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) is a FEMA-funded program authorized by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 1987.  The program supplements and expands ongoing work of local nonprofit and governmental social service organizations to provide shelter, food, and supportive services to individuals and families who are at risk of experiencing, hunger and/or homeless.”

In addition, “The program also provides supplemental funding for humanitarian relief efforts by social service organizations to provide shelter and supportive services to families and individuals encountered by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).”

The Phase 42 Request for Proposals (RFP) will be available on February 7, 2025 and due on February 26, 2025 no later than 4:00pm. Nonprofit, faith-based organizations, and governmental social service organizations can download the application at www.unitedwaysc.org/efsp-santa-cruz-county or request an application from United Way Administrator Audrey Jones – ajones@unitedwaysc.org

New to the EFSP application includes applicants providing the organization’s Data Universal Number System (DUNS) unique identification number. The number tracks how federal funding is allocated. In addition to DUNS, nonprofit, faith-based organizations, and governmental social service organizations will need to submit the following documents as part of the application process:

  • Completed Request for Proposal Phase 42 Application Form -
  • Organization History & Program Summary
  • FY 24-25 Proposed Budget for EFSP
  • Balance Sheet (as of July 31, 2024 - Present)
  • Profit and Loss Report (July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024
  • Most Recently Completed Financial Audit
  • Current List of Board of Directors
  • Copy of IRS and State Franchise Tax Board Nonprofit Determination Letter
  • Copy of certificate of Nondiscrimination Policy

Agency’s awarded funding through the Emergency Food and Shelter Program must use 100% of the funding towards approved emergency food and shelter services.

Decisions are made by the Local Board, and the local board is made up of representatives of United Way, The Jewish Federation of North America, Catholic Charities, Salvation Army, American Red Cross, and other at-large members with a background in providing basic needs services.  “We have an amazing grant committee with an expertise in program design and delivery, nonprofit management, and background in nonprofit collaboration.” Stated Aurelio Salazar, Jr. Chair of the EFSP for Santa Cruz County.

About Emergency Food & Shelter Program

The Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) was created to supplement and expand the work of local social service agencies to help people with economic emergencies (not disaster-related). EFSP funds may be used to provide economic assistance in the long term, even if the current circumstances may have been impacted by an earlier disaster occurrence. EFSP funding is open to all 501(c)(3) non-profits, faith-based organizations, and government organizations helping hungry and those experiencing homelessness. EFSP funds must be used to supplement feeding, sheltering (including transitional sheltering), and rent/mortgage. Funds may pay more than one-month (up to 90 days) utility, rental or mortgage and hotel/motel assistance for clients per phase if it is necessary to prevent disconnection of services, homelessness or maintain housing.

About United Way of Santa Cruz County

United Way of Santa Cruz County works to create a healthy, thriving, and safe community for all. UWSCC is leading a movement to focus donated resources on programs that have significant impact within our county; to move the needle by addressing our greatest needs. For more information, please visit www.unitedwaysc.org

About 211 Santa Cruz County

211 is a vital service leveraged by millions of people across North America. Every day, clients contact 211 to access free and confidential crisis and emergency counseling, disaster assistance, food, health care and insurance assistance, stable housing and utilities payment assistance, employment services, veteran services, and childcare and family services. Last year, 211 responded to over 12 million requests for assistance across the United States. The service is available to over 95% of the U.S. population, including in Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, and is also available in most of Canada. Individuals in need or who are looking for information about someone else can call 211 from a cell phone or landline or visit www.211.org for more contact options.