Harnessing The Generosity Of Your Workplace To Create Lasting Solutions.
THANK YOU FOR RUNNING YOUR ORGANIZATION'S UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN. We know that United Way campaigns, throughout Santa Cruz County, don't just happen. They are envisioned, led and accomplished by dedicated people like you - our Employee Campaign Managers (ECMs). And for that we offer you our deepest gratitude and admiration.
The ECM at each company is truly at the heart of making a United Way campaign successful - and successful campaigns mean that thousands of children, teens, adults and families throughout Santa Cruz County will receive the help they need.
We know that serving as ECM means additional responsibilities for you, and we truly appreciate your leadership in creating positive impact in your community.
We hope the information included below will give you the tools, best practices and guidance you need to make your United Way Campaign a success. This truly would not be possible without you and the tremendous leadership you provide.
Please check our Employee Campaign Manager Packet. You will also be able to view the information individually listed below:
Additional Campaign Materials
United Way Online Store (Live United t-shirts, gifts and more to add excitement to your campaign)
United Way Incentive Coupon Book (add these fun ideas to coupon for participants to redeem)