Family Resource Week

Family Resource Week (April 6th-10th)

Connecting To Critical Needs During COVID-19

In partnership with our local community, we are working to positively impact the overall wellbeing of Santa Cruz County community members in light of our global economic and health crisis.

From Monday, April 6th to Friday, April 10th, we celebrate and promote programs alongside partners such as CalEITC, CalSavers, Benefit Kitchen, FamilyWize, participation in the 2020 Census, and the    2-1-1 Helpline.

Days and Focus

Monday, April 6 Food & Health Resources Meals

Tuesday, April 7 Tax & Refundable Credits

Wednesday, April 8 Digital Connection & Digital Resources

Thursday, April 9 Savings and Retirement Resources Savings

Friday, April 10 Social Safety Net Benefits


For more resources and services available in Santa Cruz County,

visit our COVID-19 Community Resource Page.